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Acts 11 - Barnabas, Son of Encouragement

Acts 11 NLT

This chapter begins with Peter defending and then explaining what happened in Caesarea with Cornelius. "...the circumcised believers criticized him..." (vs 2) but after he explained the whole story (vs 4-17) not only were they on board with it but they embraced this new reality: "So then, God has granted even the gentiles repentance unto life." (vs 18) This was a major turning point.

Soon, in other places like Antioch, there were a "great number of (non-Jewish) people" (vs 21) who had turned to the Lord to the point where the church leadership in Jerusalem decided to send someone to go check it out. They sent the perfect guy for the job, Barnabas, son of encouragement (Acts 4:36).

When he arrived in Antioch and saw what was happening, "...he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith..." (vs 23-24)

Prayer: Lord, help me to be like Barnabas - someone who is known as an encourager, a good person, full of your Spirit and filled with faith.

We first saw Barnabas in action when he sold a piece of property and generously donated 100% of the proceeds  to the apostles (Acts 4:37) - in contrast to what happened soon after in chapter 5. Next time we saw him was when he provided the brave introduction of Saul to the leaders in Jerusalem who were all afraid of him. "But Barnabas took Saul and brought him to the apostles..." (Acts 9:27)

Now, after seeing what was happening in Antioch, Barnabas remembered his friend, Saul, who had left Jerusalem (after meeting with the apostles) and gone back to his hometown of Tarsus. I love what happened next. Barnabas, mister encouragement, "went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch." (vs 25-26A) 

Barnabas knew that Saul was alone in Tarsus (and needed encouragement) AND he knew that God had called Saul to go after the gentiles (and Antioch was the hotbed for that at the moment) AND Barnabas needed a ministry partner. "So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." (vs 26B) They enjoyed a great period of fruitful ministry together!

Prayer: Lord who can I "remember" that I could reach out to and encourage to remain true to the Lord with all their heart?