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Acts 21 - On to Jerusalem

Acts 21 NLT

Paul was feeling "compelled by the Spirit" (Acts 20:22) to go to Jerusalem even though all signs pointed to difficulties ahead. 

In Tyre: "...they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem." vs 4

In Caesarea: "...we and all the people there pleaded with Paul not to go..." vs 12

But Paul said, "I am ready...to die in Jerusalem for the NAME of the Lord Jesus. When Paul would not be dissuaded..." they gave up trying to talk him out of it saying,.."the Lord's will be done". Here we go! vs 13-15

This was pretty dramatic because basically it was clear that Paul knew what he was getting himself into and that despite the dangers, God was leading him to go. So his companions decided that if Paul was willing to risk his life, so would they. What bravery and faith they all had!

NOTE: In Caesarea, they were staying with "Philip the evangelist" which doesn't seem like a big deal - until you remember the backstory with these two guys:

- Philip was one of the seven people called to be deacons (along with Stephen) - Acts 6:25

- Philip would have been there when his close friend, Stephen, was being stoned to death by a group of people which INCLUDED Paul! - Acts 8:1

- It was because of the persecution in Jerusalem led by PAUL that Philip and others had been forced to leave their homes and were scattered all over the region. - Acts 8:1-5

Since that time Philip had lived a life of service to the Lord in Caesarea but still, how difficult and conflicting would it be, to welcome THAT guy into your home? Even years later, knowing that he had taken part in the murder of your dear friend and had uprooted your whole life, I think it would have been a great test of Philip's faith and belief in forgiveness and love.

Anyway, they finally arrived in Jerusalem. Paul gave a great report of all that God had been doing through him - especially to the Gentiles. - vs 19-20 

While the church leaders were happy to hear about this, they had another concern that needed to be addressed. There was a large group of Jewish followers of Jesus in Jerusalem that were not happy with Paul & his ministry with the Gentiles. So they gave him so things to do that would hopefully help. - vs 21-24

The way Paul responds to the criticism and to what they ask him to do is amazing. He agrees to really humble himself and do whatever it takes to not allow there to be any barriers to the Gospel. - vs 24-26 Personally, I don't know if I could have done what Paul did. 

The chapter ends about the way you would expect. Paul is dragged off by an angry mob and is in the fight of his life! - vs 27-36 All the things he had been warned about were happening.

I wonder if it went through Paul's mind how Stephen had forgiven him while he was being murdered, or how Philip had forgiven him for what happened with Stephen and welcomed him into his home, despite all he had done. Maybe these things made it easier for him to be loving towards these people who had wrongly judged him and had now made HIM the target of their wrath.

Prayer; This is so challenging, Lord, to think about having the kind of love, forgiveness and humility that these people showed in this story. Help me to love like they loved; to forgive the way they forgave; and to be willing to humble myself for the sake of the Gospel. 

In Jesus' name, Amen!