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Acts 23 - Take Courage…Jesus

Acts 23 NLT

In this chapter, Paul faces the Sanhedrin defending himself before Ananias the high priest. I was a bit confused at first about who he was until I realized that Ananias was apparently a common name back then - not to be confused with:

Ananias & Saphira who lied to the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem about their land sale. (Acts 5:1) Or...

Ananias in Damascus who prayed for Saul to be healed, filled with the Spirit and baptized. (Acts 12:10)

Paul was one smart dude. He realized that in the crowd listening to the proceedings there were not only many Pharisees but also many Sadducees (who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead). So in an effort to derail the proceedings, he added: "I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead." (vs 6) This set off quite a debate between the Sadducees & Pharisees  who were now saying things like, well actually we don't find anything wrong with this guy. It got so bad that they had to pull Paul out of there and he had his reprieve, at least for now.

The uncertainty of the whole situation still had to be weighing on Paul. Even though he knew that the Holy Spirit had called him to be doing this, he was still a human being who would have fears and doubts. We have the benefit of hindsight to know that this is "PAUL" and that through all these trials and times in jail, he was going to write much of the New Testament. But in real time, Paul was just a guy who was being wrongly accused of things, who was alone in jail and in need of encouragement.  

So Jesus came to him.

"Take courage. As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome." (vs 11) What a boost this must have been for Paul. I love it that Jesus is "with" Paul when he needed Him most. 

I imagine that as Paul was secretly escorted away to Caesarea to stand trial before Felix, he had a new confidence and resolve that the Lord was in the middle of all this and that he was living out his God-given destiny. Nothing could stop him from getting to Rome. 

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you are always with me. Even in my darkest, most uncertain times, you come to me and tell me to take courage. I trust you Lord. I will follow you wherever you take me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.