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Acts 28 - Rome, Shelter in Place (2022)

Acts 28 NLT

What a beautiful, amazing story - the book of Acts. This account of the early days when the Jesus followers were just finding their way is truly inspiring and motivating. And at the end of this final chapter it left me wishing for a sequel - 2nd Acts - but the reality is, we are living that out now in OUR real lives. 

So...Paul finally made it to Rome (after a shipwreck and three month stay with some very kind islanders on Malta). "When we got to Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with a soldier to guard him... For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him (keeping his social distance of course)." (vs 16,30)

Funny how things come full circle sometimes isn't it? This was the ultimate "Shelter In Place" order. We can all relate. We often refer to this period in Paul's ministry as his time in prison in Rome, but it seems the reality was much more relaxed. By law he was required to stay "in place" for a two year waiting period to give his accusers from Jerusalem an opportunity to press charges. But the beautiful thing was that he was given a lot of freedom within that, providing some really cool opportunities to take advantage of the time. 

During his quarantine, look at what Paul did:

1. He met with the Jewish leaders in Rome. Paul never stopped trying to reach his fellow Jews. This was something that struck me throughout Acts. These guys still considered themselves to be Jewish - the difference simply being that they had recognized the coming of the Messiah. Paul used language like, "our people" and "our ancestors" (vs 17) and "...from morning till evening he...tried to convince them about Jesus from the law of Moses and from the prophets." (vs 23) The results were not overwhelming as "some were convinced...but others would not believe." (vs 24)

2. He wrote "the prison letters" - Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. There may have been others written from this time period too. Prayer: Wow, thank you Lord for that "shelter in place" for Paul. Otherwise maybe we would not have had those letters. But YOU knew!

3. He may have had some of his most fruitful years of ministry there in Rome. "Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." (vs 31) 

It is so cool to imagine Paul in Rome meeting with people, talking about Jesus, writing important letters to encourage different churches. He made the best out of his situation. Instead of letting it get him down, he looked to the Lord to provide opportunities. And in the end, it seems that the charges were dropped and he was able to freely leave Rome to continue his ministry. But I'm sure that Paul would never have said that he was "stuck in Rome" for two years but rather that "the Lord had placed him there". May we have this same outlook in our current situation.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us the book of Acts. It has been so encouraging to look at how you used Stephen, Philip, Peter, Paul, Barnabas and so many others. You gave us such a great example of people trusting you and walking in the power of your Holy Spirit. Help me to look to you the way Paul did during those two years in Rome. I guess by comparison, most of my problems seem pretty small. You are so good to me Lord. Help me to go forward from here trusting you that my most fruitful years of being used by you are still ahead! IN THE NAME OF JESUS. AMEN.