South Sound
Men’s Weekend
Hosted by Our True Legacy
Coming Spring 2024 | April 26-28
When: April 26-28, 2024
Cost: $190/person
Includes 2 nights, 4 meals, solid teaching, workshops, community, worship, camp activities, camp coffee and more!
Where: Camp of the Cascades
Located about an hour from Tacoma/Gig Harbor near Yelm, WA. Brightwood Station: Boxcar Cabins
WHY: BecauSe MEN are Called to More
Modern Men are in a tough spot. Culture tells us two extremes. One is that being a biological man means nothing (think Dylan Mulvaney). And the other is that being a real man means you need to look out for yourself first and conquer women, career, and finances (think Andrew Tate). But we know that both of these are wrong. As men we are CALLED TO MORE. Join us as we explore 2 Peter 1 and learn what the Bible has to say about our calling in this life.
*This Year we will have a shared teaching model with multiple pastors, leaders, and businessmen around the region.
*The weekend runs from Friday night to Sunday at noon (Friday dinner is on your own). Please contact Bill Duppenthaler with any questions. yourlegacy374@gmail.com