
All Things New
Written by Jody Duppenthaler, this is a great reminder this spring to get back to your roots and renew your relationship with Jesus. He makes everything new!!!

Relationships - the Secret Sauce!
Relationships are the “secret sauce” of the Our True Legacy ministry. Check out this article which explains why this is so important for all of us.

How do you pick a person to invest in? June 29, 2021 Podcast Show Notes
10 Things to know about the selection process of finding people to be disciples of Jesus.

4 Things to do/not do when inviting someone into a Discipling Relationship - June 15, 2021 Podcast Show Notes
Inviting someone to join you in a discipling/mentoring relationship can be a little intimidating so here are a few thoughts on what to do and not to do.

Getting Past our Fears about Discipling People - June 8, 2021 Podcast Show Notes
Are you ready to tackle that “black diamond” ski run even if you feel like your skills are more suited for a “green circle”?

Two things every discipleship Group must have
Mike describes the two characteristics of effective discipleship groups. Groups that can effectively balance these two things will change lives, families, churches, and ultimately the world.

The Great CO-mission
What’s one thing that most followers of Jesus believe is very important, yet most don’t actually do? Bill discusses the impact of believers actually living out some of the last words of Jesus - to go make disciples.

Confessions of a sinful sports dad…
Mike discusses the challenges of being a parent of little athletes. How do you find your own identity amidst your desire to support your kids?

What’s YOUR Legacy going to be?
Bill discusses the idea of what it looks like to really make a difference in the world by building a lasting legacy of faith, following Paul’s example in the Bible.

Don’t give up
Bill reflects on some of the challenges from 2020, and some great answers on how to handle them from the book of Revelation.

Hammocks or Hammers??
Mike talks about the intricate balance of work and rest. How do we find a sweet spot? Do we work from rest or rest from our work?

Don’t you just LOVE Change?
Have you ever noticed that people always say that change is good but no one ever likes change? Bill shares some personal stories of how God has used change in his life to point him towards Jesus.
5 Reasons Why Guys Don't (But Should) Initiate with Other Guys
Bill unpacks the struggles all men face as they try to connect with other men. Why is it so hard for men to do something that we all need? How can we overcome these struggles?