Acts 18 - Fruitful Ministry

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Acts 18 NLT

Now, in Corinth, Paul decided to really dive in with the Jewish community. "Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah." (vs 5) But when they started getting abusive with him, he just moved his ministry next door to a Gentile's house saying, "From now on I will go to the Gentiles." (vs 6) 

The lesson is NOT that when things get difficult you should just move on, however it IS important to know when it is SMART to move on when what you are doing is no longer effective. And in all these stories in Acts we see Paul doing both.

It was cool to see how the Lord affirmed his decision to now focus on the Gentiles in Corinth: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city." (vs 10) 

So cool. Sometimes we just need to be reminded to keep on going and not give up and not be afraid. These days especially we need encouragement to REMEMBER that the Lord is with us. 

But finally after over 18 months, the time came for Paul to move on to Ephesus...

His time there wasn't nearly as long as in Corinth but I appreciated his perspective as he left Ephesus: "I will come back if it is God's will." (vs 21) This is a great way for us to approach our schedules and to look at everything we do. Is it God's will? Am I trusting God for my future rather than anything or anybody else?

I really appreciate  seeing Paul's multi-faceted ministry throughout this second missionary journey. Have you noticed? Sometimes he spoke to Jews in the Synagogues - proving through the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah; sometimes to Gentiles in homes and on the streets - reasoning with them, speaking on their terms, starting where they were at in their understanding, and leading them to Jesus; and always... "Paul...traveled from place to place...strengthening all the disciples." (vs 23) This truly was a fruitful time of ministry for him. 

Wasn't it great to "meet" Apollos at the end of this chapter? So cool to see a JEW who "...spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately...he vigorously refuted (his fellow) Jews in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah." (vs 25,28) And "he was a great help" to the church in Achaia. It just goes to show that ONE person can actually make a difference in whatever they are doing. 

Prayer: So Lord, help me to not be afraid, to keep on going. I KNOW that you are with me. Help me to continue to hear your voice and to know and do your will. And help me to make a difference in people's lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Bill Duppenthaler

Bill is the Executive Director of Legacy. He had done discipleship ministry for 35 years in Young Life before Legacy.


Acts 19 - Powerful Name


Acts 17 - Paul at his best in Athens