Acts 24-26 - Trials in Caesarea

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Acts 24-26 NLT

I grouped these three chapters together because they read like one story. This was a period in Paul's life where he had to have been asking the Lord what was going on and why he was being allowed to remain confined like this for so long. Maybe some of us are asking the same sorts of questions today about confinement, trials, and what the Lord is up to. 

The trial before Felix:

Jews: "We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots...and (he) even tried to desecrate the temple..." (24:5-6) Wow. It is such a difficult thing to be wrongly accused of something. Paul handled this so amazingly well.

Paul: "I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way." (24:14) He didn't even give their false accusations any credence but changed the discussion to his terms - the things that he DOES claim to have said and done.

Felix: After listening to the initial round of discussion Felix said, " When I find it convenient, I will send for you." (24:25) This is incredible. "When TWO YEARS had passed, Felix was succeeded by...Festus...(but Felix) left Paul in prison." (24:27) How difficult must this have been on Paul to continue to trust the Lord and be positive and faith filled after so long?

The trial before Festus:

Jews: They came down from Jerusalem..."bringing many serious charges against him which THEY COULD NOT PROVE." (25:7) Nothing has changed in two years!

Paul: "I have not done any wrong to the Jews as you yourself (Festus) know very well...I appeal to Caesar!" (25:10-11) Having read ahead in the story I wanted to say NOOOOOOO Paul don't do that. You are going to be freed if you just be patient! However, the Lord had bigger plans for Paul than to just be out of jail. He had a divine appointment in Rome that he could not miss!

Festus: "You have appealed to Caesar, to Caesar you will go." (25:12)

Paul's defense before Agrippa:

Paul: Once again Paul tells his story as he has in other places and as always, he ends up sharing the Gospel with everyone in the room but especially directed towards King Agrippa: "King Agrippa, do YOU believe the prophets (about the coming Messiah)? I know you do." (26:27)

Agrippa: "This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonment...he could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar." (26:31-32)

So the stage was set for his trip to Rome and all that the Lord had in store for him there. You can see that sense of destiny as everything unfolds - that the Lord's hand is so strongly on Paul, protecting him and guiding him and keeping him safe. 

Prayer: Lord, in this time of confinement give me clarity as to what you want me to do. Help me to see the bigger vision and to not get discouraged. Rather, speak to me and speak through me and prepare me for what lies ahead, no matter what. I trust you Lord. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Bill Duppenthaler

Bill is the Executive Director of Legacy. He had done discipleship ministry for 35 years in Young Life before Legacy.


Acts 27 - In the Storm


Acts 23 - Take Courage…Jesus