Acts 6 - The Art of Delegation (2022)

Acts 6 NLT

"In those days when the number of disciples was increasing (in Jerusalem)..." there were things starting to fall through the cracks. The original twelve could not handle everything. They realized that they had to delegate some responsibilities. (vs 1-6)

"...and (we) will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." (vs 4) So a great question for us to pray about and consider for ourselves: 

1. What should I give my attention to? Things that I'm good at and called to; that energize me; that maximize my gifts.

2. What should I delegate? Things that are important but are not things I'm best at; things that tend to weigh me down; things that don't fit with my gifts.

Look what happened when they did this: "So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased RAPIDLY!" (vs 7) 

Prayer: Lord, I pray for the wisdom to actually give my attention to the best things and delegate the rest so that I can be most effective for you.

Also, notice they chose six great guys but one all-star leader:

Stephen was full of faith and the Holy Spirit - (vs 5)

Stephen was full of God's grace and power - (vs 8)

Stephen was full of wisdom - (vs 10)

You could also add to his qualities, humility. This guy was gifted. I think in today's world, someone like this might have wanted to be promoted and treated like one of the apostles.

Prayer: Lord, let these qualities be the words that describe my life! And help me to realize that I must be doing something right when spiritual opposition develops like it did for Jesus, Peter, and now for Stephen.


Bill Duppenthaler

Bill is the Executive Director of Legacy. He had done discipleship ministry for 35 years in Young Life before Legacy.


Acts 7 - Stephen Becomes the first Martyr (2022)


Acts 5 - Is This Stuff for Real? (2022)