Acts 13 - Paul Emerges as the Leader

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Acts 13 NLT Paul. 

In this chapter Paul begins to really step into his calling. Barnabas and Saul had been doing ministry together for years - mostly in Antioch. But as they were worshipping, fasting, and praying with the church there, "...the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'" (vs 2) 

What was that? Here is what the Lord said about Saul: "This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles..." (Acts 9:15

"...they (the church at Antioch) placed their hands on them and sent them off" (vs 3) on what became known as Paul's first missionary journey. Truly they were "sent on their way by the Holy Spirit". (vs 4)

One of the first guys they met was a Roman proconsul named Sergius Paulus - "he WANTED to hear the word of God" (vs 7). It was at this point that Saul (his Hebrew given name) decided to begin going by Paul (Roman name). This must have helped him in his ministry with Paulus ("when in Rome" right?) but also symbolized the beginning of the Gentile focused phase of his ministry. 

God was at work. Back in Antioch for a stopover before continuing on their journey, Paul continued his practice of first going to the synagogue to see if he would have an opportunity to speak. He did and he gave a GREAT talk tying in the Old Testament to Jesus and the gospel. (vs 16-41) It was so well received that they asked them to come back the following week.

That time, "almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord". (vs 44) But the jealous synagogue leaders, "stirred up persecution against Paul & Barnabas and expelled them from the region." (vs 50) No matter, as they left town, they shook the dust off their feet (as Jesus had taught his disciples) - "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town." Matt 10:14 There are plenty more people in the next town. 

But did you notice a subtle change in the way the two of them are referred to now? Instead of "Barnabas & Saul", it was now "Paul & Barnabas". I wonder if this was hard for Barnabas? It was always called "Paul's missionary journey." Of course, I don't know but my guess is that Barnabas was the kind of guy that was just happy that the word of the Lord was spreading. 

Prayer: Lord I want to be humble and unselfish like Barnabas - a great encourager and ministry partner. Also, Lord, help me to know clearly what you are calling me to do. Give me clear direction like you gave Paul (minus the blinding light experience). Fill me with your Spirit. And let the word of the Lord spread through the whole region. In the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Bill Duppenthaler

Bill is the Executive Director of Legacy. He had done discipleship ministry for 35 years in Young Life before Legacy.


Acts 14 - Now That’s Bravery


Acts 12 - An Execution and a Miraculous Rescue