Acts 14 - Now That’s Bravery

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Acts 14 NLT

After being driven out of Pisidian Antioch by persecution & threats, Paul & Barnabas continued their treacherous missionary journey in Iconium. 

Iconium - As usual, they went to the Jewish synagogue first. Significantly, "...they spoke so effectively that a great number of (BOTH) Jews and Gentiles believed." (vs 1)

But because others who were against them "poisoned their minds against the brothers" (vs 2) eventually they had to flee that town when a plot to have them stoned was discovered. Nevertheless, they had spoken boldly for the Lord and seen God do many great things in Iconium. Isn't it crazy how people's minds can be "poisoned"? We have to realize that this is such a spiritual battle that we're in.

Lystra - As they began speaking to people in Lystra, Paul noticed one crippled guy paying particularly close attention to his words.  "Paul looked directly at him and saw that he had faith to be healed (I wonder what that looks like?) and called out, 'Stand up on your feet!' At that, the man jumped up and began to walk." (vs 9-10) That was a good thing right?

Well, it was a good thing for the guy who was healed, but maybe not so much for the overall effort in Lystra. These people were totally into Greek mythology and they started treating Paul & Barnabas like they were human forms of Zeus & Hermes. This was horrible and they begged them to stop and "turn away from these worthless things (false gods) to the living God!" (vs 15). 

But "they had difficulty keeping the crowd from sacrificing to them" (vs 18) and eventually the crowd turned on them and actually stoned Paul & left him for dead. They were barely able to make it out of town alive. Interestingly, there is NO MENTION of anyone coming to faith in Jesus during that visit (except maybe the crippled guy who was healed).

Derbe - On the other hand, Derbe was ripe for the gospel! "They preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples." (vs 21) Don't you just want to tell Paul & Barnabas to stay in Derbe? Instead, they BRAVELY returned (reversing their route) to Lystra, Iconium, and Pisidian Antioch. In verse 22 we see why:

- They strengthened the disciples in those cities (I'm guessing they really needed it)

- they encouraged them to remain true to the faith

- They needed to prepare them to face more hardships

Antioch - Finally home after this difficult missionary journey, they gathered the church together and told all the stories of what God had done through them and about how the door of faith had been opened to the Gentiles. (vs 26-27) We need to do this kind of thing more often to encourage and build each other up.

"And they stayed there a long time with the disciples." (vs 28) I don't blame them!

Prayer: Lord, give me the courage and love to continue to serve you and care for people even when their minds are poisoned against me because I am following you. And help me to hear your voice the way these guys did. And let me be someone who can (and will) speak effectively and boldly for you. Lord strengthen me and help me to remain true to the faith. In Jesus name. Amen.

Bill Duppenthaler

Bill is the Executive Director of Legacy. He had done discipleship ministry for 35 years in Young Life before Legacy.


Acts 15 - Don’t Make it Difficult


Acts 13 - Paul Emerges as the Leader