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Acts 27 - In the Storm

Acts 27 NLT

Probably, Paul "quarantined" in prison is a better metaphor for how the Coronavirus is affecting most of us. But I think there are also many of us who feel like they are in a "storm" because of the Covid-19 lockdown, the virus itself, financial challenges, emotional challenges, or whatever. 

Paul and his friends found themselves in a literal storm and got to the point where, "We finally gave up all hope of being saved." (vs 20) However, "...an angel (came to Paul)...and said, do not be afraid, Paul, you must stand trial before Caesar (in Rome)." And by the way he also told him that no one on board was going to die from the storm! (vs 23-24)

What an amazing sense of destiny Paul must have felt. God had a purpose for him and nothing was going to stop that. He trusted the Lord and passed that on to everyone on board: "So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me." (vs 25)

Prayer: Lord, I need you now as well. I really do trust you but it's hard to see right now, how it's all going to work out. Fill me with courage, Lord. I know you have things for me to do so I have faith in you that it is going to happen.

"...(Paul) gave thanks to God in front of them all...they were all encouraged." (vs 35-36) 

So in the midst of this coronavirus lockdown, instead of complaining  or being frustrated, or worrying about all the possible negative outcomes, let's be people who are giving thanks to God in front of everyone. Let's be encouragers!

Prayer: Thank you Lord that you have a bigger purpose for my life than I understand. And thank you that this pandemic is not too big for you. I know that you have a great plan and you are at work in the midst of this storm and you are going to take us all safely to where we need to go - even if a few of our "boats" might get beat up along the way. I trust you Lord! And I pray like they did in the book of Acts, in the name of Jesus! Amen.